Upton Methodist Church

High Street, Upton. WF9 1HQ

Minister in pastoral charge: Revd Chris Holmes who can be contacted on 01977 730400


Our services have recommenced either in person in chapel and hybrid (where you can also join from home). Many other activities have also started again. Facebook pages are usually more up to date with news.

Sunday service: 10.30am

Tuesday Seasonal ad hoc afterschool activities including pancake party and Christingle. 

Wednesday:-Rainbows and Brownies - from 5.15pm.

Wednesday term times 9:15 to around 11:30 Humpty Dumpty Toddler group for pre-school and their carers.

Thursdays (usually every other fortnight)- Housegroup meeting in a member's home

Share Coffee Mornings usually on first Saturday in the month. Coffee and chat where funds are raised for charities. To date we have helped: Prostate Cancer, Macmillan Cancer, Epilepsy UK , Antibiotic Research, Breast Cancer charities and Christians Against Poverty

Summer Holiday Club For this year's dates see our facebook page or send us an email via our website. www.uptonmethodistchurch.org.uk

For times and more details see facebook page (Facebook is usually more dynamic and updated)

Click here for church facebook page 


Last update PJR 20.5.24