Pontefract Methodist Church
@ Tanshelf Drive, WF8 1NB  and @ Micklegate, WF8 1QG

Minister in Pastoral Charge:  Revd. Andrew Atkins  01924 373287

Treasurer: Mrs Julie Copley 07798 768 279

In September 2022, the two congregations at Central Methodist Church and Micklegate Methodist Church joined together to become the new Pontefract Methodist Church.

 Sunday Morning Worship takes place at Tanshelf Drive, 10.30am.


Our Regular Activities

The Warm Room @ Micklegate
Every Thursday, 10.00am to 1.30pm
Drop in or stay a while... it's FREE
Refreshments served all morning with a light lunch at 12.30pm.  We 'pause for thought' at 12 noon (optional)

Coffee Morning @ Tanshelf Drive
2nd Saturday of the month, 10.00am t0 11.30pm 
Pop along and enjoy a coffee, some homemade cake and a chat.

Lunch Plus @ Tanshelf Drive
Last Friday of the month, 12 noon for a 12.30pm start.
Join us for a two course meal and friendly chat

For details of the above contact Paula on 07477 906567 or paula@acmc.org.uk