Pontefract Methodist Church
Off Tanshelf Drive, WF8 1NB
Minister in Pastoral Charge: Revd. Andrew Atkins 07955 126792
Our Sunday Morning service begins at 10.30am
Our Regular Activities
The Warm Room
Every Thursday, 10.00am to 1.30pm
Drop in or stay a while... it's FREE
Refreshments served all morning with a light lunch at 12.30pm. We 'pause for thought' at 12 noon (optional)
Coffee Morning
2nd Saturday of the month, 10.00am t0 11.30pm
Pop along and enjoy a coffee, some homemade cake and a chat.
Lunch Plus
Last Friday of the month, 12 noon for a 12.30pm start.
Join us for a two course meal and friendly chat
For details of the above contact Paula on 07477 906567 or paula@acmc.org.uk