Local Preachers' Meeting


From the Connexial website:

What is a Methodist local preacher?

Local preachers are those who have been accredited to preach God's word and lead His people in worship. Originally, the term local preacher showed the difference between those who stayed in a local area and those who moved around the country as ministers (presbyters).  


The Local Preachers' Meeting is held quarterly to discuss matters relating to their role.

Future dates (7:30pm) are:

Wednesday 7th September 2022

Monday 28th November 2022


Further details on the role can be found here


Worship Leaders are present in many churches- see here for details where their role is described as:

Worship leaders are appointed trained and commissioned by their Church Council to take a leading and significant role in public worship in their church.  They work alongside the minister or local preacher appointed to lead an act of worship.  Their role may include choosing and leading music and prayers, reading Bible passages or other readings, facilitating dance or drama and any other aspect of worship other than the sermon. 



last edit NAS 13/7/22