Course Content and Information


As some material is on screen and some is written, then is suggested you bring distance and reading glasses as applicable.

All venues have appropriate disabled access and facilities.

We aim to use microphones and the loop system- Sandal may have limited support


Foundation Module 2020 Edition

  • This training will serve either as a basic starting point or as a refresher course.

    Whatever your role within the Church, it will help you understand safeguarding in the Methodist Church and our collective responsibility for creating safer spaces for all.

    The Creating Safer Space Foundation Module 2020 training will help you:

    • appreciate how safeguarding is everyone's responsibility and fundamental to the culture of a flourishing Church
    • have a better understanding of good safeguarding practice within the Methodist Church, and understand its unique position in creating a safe space for all
    • promote awareness and extend an inclusive welcome to those who have experienced abuse
    • recognise, respond, record and refer relevant concerns about the safety and welfare of a child or adult, and recognise blocks to good practice
    • learn from evidence from the Methodist Past Cases Review (2015-17) and note the current national context, eg the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) 

    The training's overall aim is to increase safeguarding awareness, so the Church can exercise its duty of care to all: its members, office-holders and anyone who comes through its doors.  We create a safer Church by developing your understanding of, and confidence in, our safeguarding processes and your individual place within these processes


Advanced Module 2018 Edition

Course structure

This Creating Safer Space Advanced Module course is split into three parts:

  • Essential preparation (1 hour 30 minutes)
  • Core learning session (4 hours)
  • Handbook (a resource for further study)



The aim of the Advanced Module is to consolidate and develop your previous safeguarding learning and to:

  • explore what this means in your designated role of responsibility within the Church
  • further equip you with skills and resources to be confident in promoting good practice in the Church and community
  • extend your understanding of responding well to different groups within the Church community.

Engagement with all three elements of the Advanced Module will enable you to meet these aims.


 click here for details


last update NAS 17/8/20